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REALTORS: Our partnership is your secret weapon! The Colorado Mortgage Team's Mortgage Engineer, Clinton Sistrunk is a Non-Practicing A.I., Crypto & Blockchain Certified Realtor. A free resource for you to help grow your business. Certified means that while others spend the time trying to figure it out we have already mastered it and are implementing it in real time to help you thrive.

Partnering with us means you now have an A.I. certified powered team behind you.  You get to leverage this throughout your business from listing presentations, marketing and beyond. We teach you how to avoid all the pitfalls like using Chat GPT without training it first (No prompts do not accomplish this), and how to not just survive but thrive in this new evolution underway.   

Want to learn more about how this transformational technology can reshape your business?  Register below for a personalized stratedy seesion with us and make sure to check the A.I. box 🦾

#AICertifiedAgent #AIRealEstate